This is the first in a continuing series on magical herbalism that will be appearing in The Raven’s Beak. I’m working off a long alphabetical listing so you’re favorite herb may be down that list a bit. If so, let me know which herb it is and I’ll put it on the short list. There will be posts on creating incenses and oils with recipes and techniques.
WARNING: Many herbs are toxic, some very toxic, so don’t be eating these things I list. This series is on the magical usage only, not their uses in cooking or in making lotions or such. If you do want to use an herb in such a way, you’ll need to do your due diligence elsewhere. Please pay heed to this warning.
The acorn is, of course, the nut of the oak tree. Oak is regarded as a powerful source of magic by countless traditions. The trees themselves are associated with Jupiter and Thor, among many other deities, and Midsummer, whereas acorns are associated with Samhain. Oaks are one of the sacred trees of Druidry; in fact, they may be held in the highest regard among all trees. Certain oaks are even considered sacred in Christian lore.
The best time to harvest acorns, leaves, and branches (they all have magikal uses which we’ll discuss in the upcoming post on the oak tree) from an oak tree is during the waning moon; during the day for leaves and acorns, and at night for wood. Oak wood is very powerful when used in wands and other magical implements. Consider collecting fallen branches for your personal use rather than harvesting directly from the tree. If you choose to cut a branch off an oak tree, leave an offering to the tree to show your gratitude. The traditional offering is wine.
Oaks belong to a lineage of trees which are thought to be over 85 million years old. The oldest fossils which have been found relate most closely to beech trees, but there is also evidence that something similar to a chestnut may have existed. These belong to the same family as oak trees.
The first fossils similar to oaks appear around 33-35 million years ago, with trees similar to the oaks we have now appearing around 25 million years ago. Oaks are now found all over the world, growing up to 45 tall in the right conditions.
But this post is about the acorn. acorns are sacred to the Samhain season and are often used in fall decorating. Acorns placed in windows will ward off lightning and beings that would scare us at night; they will also attract luck. Acorns can be born in pockets to ward off storms, to prevent the bearer from getting lost, and protect from evil intent.
They are also carried as charms for immortality, longevity, fertility, to ward off illness and preserve youthfulness. Three acorns can be made into a charm to attract youthfulness, attainment, and beauty in life. This charm should be bound with the maker’s hair, and blessed at every Full and Dark moon of a year, and then worn.

Magical Correspondences of Oak and Acorns
Deities – Zeus, Thor, Hecate, Pan and Rhea, Litha (and a whole lot more)
Zodiac – Aquarius
Planet – The Sun
Elements – Fire and Water
Gender – Masculine
Crystals – Jasper, rose quartz and carnelian
Used for: Good luck, personal power, protection and wisdom. Dried acorns are a natural amulet for youthfulness. Acorns symbolize potential, abundance, and the power of new beginnings as well as creativity, divination, fertility, longevity, pain relief, prosperity, wealth, protection (especially from evil, lightning, and illness), and attracting a romantic partner. They are used to increase the fertility of both projects and ideas and human reproduction. Sacred to Druids and can be used at the tip of wands. Use an acorn at your altar to represent the earth element.
The acorn in particular is a symbol of male fertility. It represents a penis and gives sustenance and immortality. You should gather it during the day and use it in fertility and prosperity rituals.
Charms using Acorns
Placing an acorn on a window will ward off evil and attract prosperity and good luck. If you take an acorn with you, it will bring health, longevity and youth. Another ritual involving oak acorns used to be a game played among girls who placed two acorns in a bowl of water and if they moved together the girl had found true love.
They are often carried to provide a constant magical boost, or placed in a window to protect the home.
Acorns should be planted during the Dark moon to attract prosperity.
Carry an acorn in your pocket for health, abundance, prosperity and luck.
Plant an acorn in your garden under a full moon to cultivate happiness.
Wear an acorn around your neck to bring beauty, youth, and protection.
Place an acorn in your purse or wallet to attract financial security.
An acorn at your desk inspires patience and long-term success.
Acorns can be used in charms or spells for good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power.
Between Midsummer and throughout Autumn, a dried acorn worn as an amulet around the neck brings a youthful glow, good luck and protection.
Planting an acorn on the night of the new moon will ensure that abundance will grow in your life.
And if you work with the Fae Folk, it is said that if acorns are gathered on the night of a Full Moon, it will attract Faeries and welcoming enchantment throughout the following month.
Placing acorns on window sills will help to keep lightning away from your home while carrying a piece of oak wood will protect your person from harm while also drawing luck to you.
Acorn Lore
Each acorn on the oak tree is believed to have its very own faerie watching over it. You should keep this in mind before you pluck an acorn from its tree. When you’re harvesting acorns, it’s best to forage for fallen ones so as not to bring about fae mischief.
Acorns are a cute, perfectly-sized magic charm to carry in your pocket. they represent the energy of the beautiful oak tree, which has long-held associations with strength, endurance, courage, generosity and honesty. for this reason, it has “kingly” attributes; it’s said that King Arthur’s round table was made from a cross-section of a big elder oak tree’s trunk.
An acorn takes between 6 and 18 months to mature.
Acorns contain tannic acid which protects them from insects and fungi which might damage the acorn before it had a chance to germinate.
1 in 10,000 acorns will end up becoming a tree.
An oak tree doesn’t produce acorns until it’s between 20-45 years old.
Acorn Spells
A simple acorn spell for strength during hardships
Light a red candle, which represents strength, survival and endurance. Hold an acorn in your hands and look at the flame, meditating on the hardships you’re going through and your wishes to overcome them. Remind yourself that you are strong and resilient. Visualize the end to the situation. Warm the acorn over the candle flame, kiss the acorn, and place it under your pillow.
An acorn-top faerie offering
To make an offering to nearby fae and good spirits, place a ring of acorn tops on a tree stump, and fill the acorn tops with wine. Leave a pile of rose petals in the center of the ring.
A protective amulet
To harness the protective magical properties of oak and acorns, tie 2 oak twigs into a cross with red thread and hang it in the home or wherever you need protection. This is a strong protective amulet and will keep any malevolent energy and negativity at bay.
An acorn compatibility divination
To see if you are compatible with a possible love, place 2 acorn caps into a bowl of very still water while thinking about the person you are interested in. If the acorn caps come together then you are well-matched and if they float apart maybe the time for the 2 of you isn’t quite right. Since timing is everything, just because the timing isn’t perfect right now doesn’t mean that it might not be right in the future.
That’s it for the wonderful acorn, I hope you found it interesting! Do check out some of the other posts found here, I think you’ll like them too. Feel free to leave your comments below as well as your own usages of acorns or anything else you’d like to say.
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Blessed Be,
Sterling Knight