This is the first in a series on casting a magic circle in a correct manner. Please do understand that I know that there are many such ways and that this one that we will explore is not the ONLY way to cast a circle. It is, however, a solid proven method of doing so that can, once understood, be used for most any working or ritual. It will show you a balanced approach at many levels and allow you to be able to spot a defect in another method of casting a circle, if there is one. In other words, with practice you’ll be able to understand the energy flows in any space you find yourself in.
In an earlier post I discussed how to create an altar. We’ll be using that altar set-up for this so be sure to read the article and have that altar ready to go. The article is right here. Once your altar is ready, you’ll first need to ground and center yourself.

Let’s talk about what that might be. Grounding is the process of stripping away all the energies you pick up from various places and people during the course of a day. Maybe your boss was upset that day and yelled at you. Maybe your boy/girlfriend upset you. Maybe things were just annoying today for some reason. All of these energies attach themselves to you and cling to you until you remove them in some way.
Centering is the process of balancing your personal energies once you’ve grounded all the outside energies. Balanced energies will give you a feeling of calm serenity and peace because you are no longer pulled and pushed by an energy imbalance. This state of being will allow you to cast your circle and perform your working without adding unwanted influences caused by excess emotions, or any other imbalance. Such an unwanted influence can badly skew your work and how it manifests.
A Kabbalistic Cross is a very good way to ground and center. If you don’t know this technique, a tutorial is right here. Practice it until you can perform it smoothly and without crib notes. I suggest you perform it daily as a magical practice. This will help to refine and align your personal energies which will increase your magical effectiveness. It doesn’t happen fast, but it does happen.

Anoint yourself with appropriate oil, such as a Blessing Oil. Do this by using your finger to draw a circled equal-armed cross over your third eye (between and a little above your eyebrows) and light the Sentinel candles. Remember that from this moment on, all movements within the circle should be deosil (in a clockwise motion).
The area in which the circle is cast must be purified by salt and water (Earth and Water) and incense (Fire and Air) to prevent contamination by unwanted forces. This is an element level cleansing and is sufficient for any spellwork or celebration ritual. In this cleansing, we blend the representatives of two separate elements and cleanse with the result, and then do the same with the representatives of the other two elements. Fire and Air are considered to be active elements and Earth and Water are considered to be passive elements, so we are cleansing first with the passive elements and then the active ones. You’ll also need to know how to draw an Earth Banishing Pentagram.

Using your athame, wand or index finger and starting at #1, draw from #1 to #2, then to #3 and #4, #5 and the back to #1. Then starting at #2, draw around in a clockwise circle back around to #2. As you draw each line, visualize a white line of energy where you are drawing, so that at the end, you have an encircled Earth Banishing Pentagram drawn in white light.
Salt and Water Purification

Place the cup or bowl of water upon the pentacle. It is then exorcised. Using your athame, wand or index finger, draw three Earth Banishing Pentagrams over the water then touch the water with your athame, wand or index finger and say:
I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, and cast out from thee all
Hindrances and Malignancies of the Spirits of the World of Phantasm.
As My Will, So Mote It Be!
Set the cup or bowl of water to one side. Place a pinch of salt directly onto the middle of the pentacle. Using your athame, wand or index finger, draw three Earth Banishing Pentagrams over the salt then touch the salt with your athame, wand or finger and say:
Blessings upon thee, O Creature of Salt,
Let all evil be cast out and all good enter herein
Therefore do I bless thee that thou mayst aid me
As My Will, So Mote It Be!
Mix the salt and water in the cup or bowl, and place back onto the pentacle, stir together with athame, wand or index finger and say:
I Mix this Salt and Water that whatsoever it toucheth
Be cleansed of all hindrance and malignancies,
be blessed and wax mighty in my work.
As My Will, So Mote It Be!
After mixing, sprinkle first the altar then under the altar with the salt water. Next walk around the altar to the East near the altar and in three deosil spirals out to the perimeter of the circle, sprinkle the salt and water through the entire area. As you do so say:
Salt and Water where you are cast, no spell nor adverse purpose last
Not in complete accord with me and as My Will, So Mote It Be!
While you’re doing this, visualize the water & salt washing away any adverse or chaotic energies, leaving behind a smooth, calm energy of a light blue-white color.
Now return to your altar and place the cup or bowl off to the side on the altar where it will be out of your way.
Fire and Air Purification

The burning charcoal (representing fire) is in your incense burner. Place the incense burner upon the pentacle then it is blessed. Using your athame, wand or index finger, draw three Earth Banishing Pentagrams over the coals with your athame, wand or index finger and then say:
Blessings upon thee, O Creature of Fire,
Let all evil be cast out and all good enter herein
Therefore do I bless thee that thou mayst aid me
As My Will, So Mote It Be!
Set the incense burner aside. Place the incense (representing air, I would suggest using Altar Incense) directly onto the middle of the pentacle. Using your athame, wand or index finger, draw three Earth Banishing Pentagrams over the incense then touch with Athame or finger and say:
I exorcise thee, O Creature of Air, and cast out from thee all
Hindrances and malignancies of the Spirits of the World of Phantasm.
As My Will, So Mote It Be!
Pour the incense unto the coal in the incense burner and say:
I mix this Fire and Air that whatsoever it toucheth
Be cleansed of all hindrance and malignancies,
be blessed and wax mighty in my work.
As My Will, So Mote It Be!
After mixing, hold the smoking incense burner over the altar and perform three deosil spirals over the altar, then do the same under the altar. Next walk around the altar to the East near the altar and in three spirals out to the perimeter of the circle, sweeping the incense burner left to right through the entire area.
Creature of air, this charge I give,
No evil in thy presence live,
Creature of fire, this charge I lay,
No evil in thy presence stay.
While you’re doing this, visualize the fire & air blowing away any adverse or chaotic energies, leaving behind a smooth, calm energy of a light blue-white color.
Return to the altar and place the incense burner to its place. You’ve successfully cleansed the area for your magic circle. Great work! I knew you could do it!
That’s it for this installment. In the next, we’ll be covering Calling the Lords of the Watchtowers and Casting the Circle. This sets the boundaries and the wards for your magic circle, so you definitely need to catch that one. Don’t forget to leave a comment and let us know your methods of casting a circle. I’ve seen many different ways and I know there’s many ways I haven’t seen, so fill us in!
And subscribe if you’d like. That way you’ll be notified of new posts, events and anything else that’s going on. Until then, take care and be well!
Blessed Be
Sterling Knight